I hate when I go to a blog, usually though Pinterest, and when I look to see what they are currently doing their last post from 3 years ago is titled "It's been a while" or something along those lines... I really do think about blogging often but I get easily distracted when I'm online. First I have to get on Pandora ( favorite station at the moment ) and find some music to listen to. Then I check the rabbit hole, also known as Facebook. I need to stop checking that on my computer, it's too easy to get lead down to watching cute animal videos or recipe tutorials etc. E-mail usually isn't a problem. I look for specific senders and then move on. I have been pretty busy though, I bought a new sewing machine. A Juki TL2200QVP mini. I love it and have been doing a lot of piecing. I finished a table runner I started years ago that is red, blue and white and I'm glad it was finished before Summer got here. I also finished piecing a quilt top and have it all bast...